Rabu, 30 November 2011

10 Kegiatan Paling Menyenangkan Saat Berlibur

1.Ice fishing in Canada
Jika Anda pernah menginginkan untuk menangkap ikan langsung dari lubang di es, coba Ontario, Kanada, yang menawarkan sampai lebih dari satu seperempat air tawar di dunia, dengan banyak ikan forel, bas dan pike. Perjalanan ke Algoma Negara di bagian utara Danau Superior , Anda melemparkan baris dan menunggu untuk sesuatu yang menarik untuk gigitan yang kemudian be cooked a crackling fire.
2.Running with the bulls in Spain
Running with the bulls selama sembilan hari Festival San Fermin di Pamplona, Spanyol, adalah salah satu kegiatan yang paling menyenangkan yang dapat dilakukan. Enam sapi jantan hebat sehingga biaya bawah jalan, bucking dan snorting, dan tujuan dari permainan adalah berjalan secepat Anda bisa dan penyelamatan oleh cedera dalam hal alleyways atau melengkapi berjalan sebelum sapi jantan.

3.Motorcycle trip up Highway 1
There are few road trips that manage to pack in the best of both the natural and the man-made worlds, but a motorcycle trip up the road linking Los Angeles and San Francisco does just that. The trip affords drivers sights of everything from mansions to coast lines with the awesome beauty of the coastal mountains in the Big Sur.

 4.Bungee jumping in Zimbabwe
Anda hanya bisa menghargai keindahan Zimbabwe's Air terjun Victoria dengan wisata jalan kaki - atau, yang lebih ekstrim, bungee jumping dari ketinggian di dekat Air terjun Victoria Bridge. baru-baru ini, ini adalah hukum tertinggi bungee jumping spot di dunia dengan 364 kaki drop terhadap Sungai Zambezi.
5.Cage diving in South Africa
Forget the movie “Jaws.” You’ll be in a robust cage with an oxygen tank strapped to your back as the king of the deep approaches, with its gleaming white teeth, dead black eyes and its torpedo-like body.

 6.Tandem skydiving in England
Tandem skydiving melompat dari pesawat 10.000-12.000 kaki (3.048 ke 3.657 meter) di atas tanah.merupakan salah satu perjalanan liburan yang menyenangkan buat anda coba...
7.Camel trekking in Morocco
Memulai petualangan di Gurun Sahara, dengan unta. Mulai Marrakech, ikuti rute kuno kafilah unta melalui gurun untuk Jebel Saghro dan sampai ke arah gunung pasir dari Erg Chebbi,camping each night beside a crackling fire at small, palm-fringed oases
8.Hiking the Inca trails in Peru
28 mil (45 km) Andes Peru, Anda akan menemui puing-puing yang sudah lama supernovidades kota Machu Picchu. Seperti Indiana Jones, Anda akan memotong dedaunan dengan golok sebagai cara Anda mencari jalan melalui hutan subtropis, melintasi jurang yang dalam, dan melewati lorong jalanan crumbling dibangun oleh Incas ribuan tahun yang lalu.
9.Walking the Great Wall in China
struktur buatan manusia yang membentang sepanjang 6.300 mil (10.139 kilometer) dari Shanhaiguan. Memang banyak cara untuk mengalami sejarah, budaya dan pemandangan tetapi anda memerlukan kekuatan fisik dan daya tahan untuk mengikuti, karena hal ini bukan merupakan kegiatan yang lemah.

From: Terselubung.blogspot.com

Academic writing

Nama : Sri Hariati Mustari
Nim     : 20401110093


As students of university we must know about academic writing. Because it is a kinds of writing which is very important for all student in University at least for postgraduate student (Oshima & Hogue, 2007). academic writing for graduated students targeted at students for graduation to achieve postgraduate degree (Swales & Feak, 2004). Academic writing is a kind of writing which discuss about a problem, but it is suitable with the fact. Mostly academic writing is used in university. But there are many students think that it is very difficult and it makes students confused. There are many kinds of academic writing, for example thesis, essay, dissertation, technical report, etc.
An academic writing is very important for students in university because it is a kinds of requirements for the students to be able to graduated from university. When we have been in the last semester we are asked to make an academic writing and the results of our academic writing decides for our graduations. Automatically, we must work hard to be able to finish our academic writing on time. in writing of the thesis as are also in writing of the thesis reveals new knowledge by making new knowledge by performing tests on a hypothesis. This thesis is more profound than a thesis. scientific work was written to achieve a master's degree, and the number of pages for a thesis of at least 80 pages (Trimmer & Sommer, 1984). Mostly, when the students are writing an academic writing they find difficulties and they think that it is very difficult.
Academic writing is difficult because it is very formal writing, it is organized and it has rules in its writing  and systematic. Characteristics of academic writing include a formal tone, use of the third-person rather than first-person perspective, clear focus on the issue or topic rather than the author’s opinion, and precise word choice. Writers employing the formal academic style avoid jargon, slang, and abbreviations (Miller, 2006). in writing we must have more knowledge because we can’t make an academic writing without knowledge. A writer is able to not only transform a dry, difficult text into coherent , but also relate it to a given context and convey to their personality (Hyland & Tse, 2004). Besides that we also have clear statement for make academic writing, and many important  in writing such as we must have vocabularies, good grammar, linguistic, summary, etc.   .  
In conclusion, academic writing is very important for students. Every students must know about it because as a student we never apart about writing wherever we are studying. if we know about the academic writing we are not difficult anymore to make a thesis, proposal, and other types of writing. even though many students think that academic writing is very difficult and makes students confused in writing. So, start from now, lets now practice more to makes academic writing .

Hyland, K. & Tse, P. (2004) Metadiscourse in academic writing: a reappraisal. Applied Linguistic, 22 (2).
                        156-177. retrieved http://applij.oxfordjournals.org/content/25/2/156.short
Miller, R. (2006). Motivies for writing. New York. Mcgraw
Oshima, A & Hogue, A. (2007). Introduction to academic writing. United states of America: peaseon
Swales, J. & Feak, C. (2004) Academic writing for graduate students: Essential tasks and skill, second
Edition. University of Michigan Press, 8 1-4. Retrieved http://www.tesl-ej.org/wordpress/issues/volume8/ej32/ej32r1/?wscr
Trimmer, J.F., & Sommers, N.I. (1984). Writing a purpose. Houghton Mifflin Company: Boston