Senin, 05 Maret 2012

academic writing in 4th semester


Psychology Education for Pre–Service English Teacher
Understanding about psychology education is very important for pre–service English teacher because, it will help them to be able to have good learning process. They must realize that in their learning process they will find many characteristics and different psychologies of their students. And than we know faster development of the knowledge which students are low achievers and high achievers. Psychology education is a study of the behavior or human behavior in the process of teaching and learning in the classroom to facilitate teaching and learning process (Jantan, 2003).
The first, I will explain about the objectives of psychology education for pre-service teachers. Psychology has very essential objectives such as, measure and explain changes in behavior and abilities that are developed in accordance with the behavior of age and have universal characteristics, in terms that apply to children anywhere in the socio-cultural environment, study the general characteristics of the development of students, whether physical, cognitive, and psychosocial, study the differences of a personal nature on specific developmental stages or time, study the behavior of children in certain environments that give rise to different reactions, studies the distortion experienced by a person's behavior, such as mischief, abnormalities in functionality intellect and the others word (Desmita, 2009).
Next, many potential benefits of teachers or prospective teachers in learning about the psychology of education among knowledge of psychology can help us in providing an appropriate response to certain behaviors of a child. Psychology can help the questions relating to the meaning and source of the pattern of thinking, feeling, and behavior. By knowing the normal pattern of psychological, enable pre-service teachers to prepare students in advance to face the changes that will occur in the body, attention, and behavior. Knowledge of psychology enables pre-service teachers to give proper guidance to the child's learning, through psychology we will find out about who we are, how we can be like this and where the future will bring us (Desmita, 2009).
Than, Psychology is a way to develop the course because by knowing psychology the pre-service teachers will know about problematizing. It is very helpful for pre-service teacher in solving problem that they face in different place and different situation. Psychology education also is very essential in making curriculum and syllabus because we will know about what the students want and what material and method we should apply in the classroom (Kathleen, 1996). 
To sum up, understanding about psychology education is a particular part for pre-service teacher. A student individual characteristic has an essential meaning in teaching learning process. For a teacher especially, information about this student individual characteristic will be very helpful in choosing and deciding the accurate teaching method which will guarantee the easy study for each student. With understanding of psychology education, teachers can reconstruct and organizes the course for students, choose and decide a great method, so that the interaction process will be happened in each learning teaching components optimally. 

Desmita, (2009). Psikologi perkembangan peserta didik. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya.
Graves, K. (1996). Teacher as course developers. USA: Cambridge University Press.
Jantan, R. (2003). Psikologi Pendidikan. Kuala Lumpur: Professional Publishing.