Senin, 02 Januari 2012


State Islamic University is a university that relies on religion. This is what distinguishes between the universities of Islam with other public universities. Here, it has different rule. Start from clothes, behavior, and the other. It also has boundaries between men and women. In Islamic university, besides we are required to understand our majors’ courses, we are also obliged to know about the science of religion. We study more about science of religion. Although the Islamic university different from the others, but its position parallel to the other universities. Also the same facility used by other standards and can be even better. The existing facilities such as Wi-Fi, laboratories, computers, and the other facilities.
The term comes from the Latin media, namely mediums which literally means 'middle', 'intermediate', or 'introduction'. (Arsyad, 2004). The media is a tool of what can be used as a message channel in order to achieve learning objectives. The media is a tool that should be there if we want to facilitate something at work, and also a tool that can facilitate something we want to do in all things. Everyone will want a job done well made ​​and with satisfactory results. for example we can see the facilities or existing facilities at UIN such as computers, wifi, laboratories, and many other facilities.
Computer as a medium of  learning enables the ongoing process of individual learning. Computer users can interact directly with the source of information. Computer allows students to learn according to their ability and speed to understand the knowledge and the information desired (Ahmadi, 2010). Besides, WiFi is also very important role in student life as it is very helpful in facilitating the tasks to be completed were a student. We can see our own at the University is connected to the Internet network automatically UIN student is no longer difficult to find some information through cyberspace. Small sample we may be able to find information about scholarships, job opportunities, and the other important information. And also at the lecture on subjects English for science and technology we can do through online lectures. in the presence of these media can help students to learn effectively.
The use of media is that students are able to create something new and be able to take advantage of something that has existed for use with other forms and variations are useful in life. therefore they can easily understand and comprehend the subject matter presented by a teacher to them. Media is all the physical tools that can present the message and stimulate students to learn such as movies, books and tapes. From the movies we can see the audiovisual about the material presented, for example in Phsycology Education courses that use of  learning through the media through the film projector. Many students already use media projector UIN in the learning process. From the view of the above can be said that the media is a tool that allows young people to understand and grasp things easily and be able to remember in a long time compared with the delivery of the subject matter by way of face to face lectures premises without the help of tools.
In the world of education, teaching media used in the context of efforts to improve or enhance the quality of teaching and learning activities. As for who should be considered in the use of media, use of media teaching should be viewed as an integral part of a system of teaching and not just as a tool that serves as an adjunct to be used when necessary and only used at any time needed (Asnawir & Usman, 2002) . Medium of instruction as a learning resource which should be used in an attempt to solve problems in the teaching-learning process.
Teachers in the use of these media can be employed under all the techniques of a medium of instruction used and also the use of media such as a teacher should be careful in the use of media proficiency level (Rivai & Sudjana, 2009). Learning media as a tool in the learning process and learning is a reality that we can not deny its existence. Because of the teacher who wants to ease its job in conveying the message - the message or learning materials to students. Teachers are aware that without the help of the media, then the learning materials are difficult to digest and understood by students, especially the learning materials are intricate and complex. Without learning the LCD is difficult to implement because most teachers currently mostly use Power Point in teaching and learning especially in the UIN,  as well as for discussion for students at the UIN. Teaching media carry and evoke a sense of fun and joy for the students and renew their spirit, and help solidify the knowledge in the minds of the students as well turn the lesson (Arsyad, 2002).
From the explanation above, we can conclude that State Islamic University is a universty that relies on religion. Beside forwards the islamic knowladge, UIN also developes the modern facilities, such as Wi-Fi, laboratories, computers, and the other facilities. These facilities help the student develop their knowladge and make them easier in finishing their tasks. Not only students can enjoy the facilities or media, but also the lecturers. The media helps the lecturers in serving their materials more attractive and communicative. Study at State Islamic University is a great choice for us. We can improve our knowladge without leaving Islamic view.

Ahmadi, K., & Amri, S. (2010). Strategi Pembelajaran. Prestasi Pustaka: Jakarta.
Asnawir, & Usman, B. (2002). Media Pembelajaran. Ciputat Pers: Jakarta.
Arsyad, A. (2010). Media Pembelajaran. Rajawali Pers: Jakarta.
Arsyad, A. (1997). Media Pembelajaran. Rajawali Pers: Jakarta.
Rivai, A., & Sudjana, N. (2009). Media Pengajaran. Sinar Baru Algasindo: Bandung.

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