Minggu, 12 Februari 2012


Population is a group people who live in a place. In some countries, over population is a big problem that has to be fixed. The countries are Indonesia, India, China, and many others. The causes of this problem especially in Indonesia are the number of birth is high, a number of death is low, the economy is increase, the society health is better than before, and the education is low. This problem has many effects, for example in social view, the destitution and criminality is increase; in economy view, need of food and house are increase but the stocks are decrease; in education view, education degree is decrease and the fee are increase; in health view, because the environment quality is decrease, the diseases are spread and make the health quality of society is decrease; in living space, it causes pollution because the transportations are increase (Dipit, 2010).
To overcome this overpopulation problem, the government has some programs, such as decreasing population growth by holding KB program; increasing the quality of population by increasing child nutrition, delaying early married, nine years education program, increasing the prevention and medicinal of disease for mothers and children; decreasing jobless; balancing population growth and food production by doing intensification or increasing agriculture product by improving plant way, intensification or increasing agriculture product by widening the area, and diversification or varying the food. (Alvianto, 2011)
From the explanation above, we can conclude that over population is a problem that causes many effects in social, economy, education, health, and living space view. To overcome this problem, the government has planned many programs. So, let’s help the government by supporting the program to be a better country.

Alvianto, (2011). Populasi penduduk. Retrieved from http://crocodilusdaratensis.wordpress.com/2011/02/13/populasi-pendud9uk.html.
Dipit, (2010). Akibat kepadatan penduduk. Retrieved from

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